Flexible workforces are created to maximize and optimize the use of capital, premises, technology and equipment, to produce high quality products and services that are available to customers where and when required. The flexible workforce is a combination of: attitudes and values, especially responsibility, dynamism, individual and collective responsiveness, commitments to service and satisfaction, positive approaches to solving problems. The 'Affluent Worker' studies were carried out in the late 1950s at Luton, Bedfordshire. The purpose of the studies was to ascertain levels of motivation and morale among the workforce. It also dealt in some detail with alienation, identity and the loyalty of the workforce to the company. Three companies were studied in detail - Laport Chemicals; Skefco Ball Bearings Ltd; and Vauxhall, the car makers. Flexible working is a form of organizational investment, the purpose of which is getting the best out of existing and finite resources, especially the workforce.