In 1995 the veteran Belarusan-language rock band Mroja [Dream] modified their name. Mroja's new name, Narodnaja Respublika Mroja [National Republic of Mroja or NRM] was a direct response to the state of the nation after the then newly elected President Lukaëenka began to revert to Soviet-era cultural and political policies. NRM s music is unique to Belarusan-language rock. Their musical style and stage manner reflect the influence of Western heavy metal tradition. Aŭstralijskaja Polka is a musical commentary on the impact of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Belarus. As the title suggests Aŭstralijskaja Polka is a polka, a genre associated with the traditional repertoires of Eastern and Central Europe. Perhaps the most dramatic use of quotation comes at the end of the text for the Aŭstralijskaja Polka. It is at the end of the song that the speaker voices his desire to die "with our own radiation/Its is worth more than foreign kangaroos".