The Diaries of Antonia White, in the volumes edited by Susan Chitty, opens with notes made in Paris, in 1926, listing "Canaries, wireless, heavy vans, incessant bells, piano with a sharp always recurring in wrong place." These vivid details, apparently listed at random, powerfully evoke a sense of Paris and of the diarist observing, even though in this first extract White writes little about herself. The Diaries of Antonia White, in the volumes edited by Susan Chitty, opens with notes made in Paris, in 1926, listing Canaries, wireless, heavy vans, incessant bells, piano with a sharp always recurring in wrong place. Her skill with endings is apparent in her collection of short stories, Strangers. Most of the stories lead up to a revelatory ending, which throws light back onto the rest of the story. "The Moment of Truth" becomes the title of one story.