The centerpiece of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s platform focused on California’s continuing budget deficit. Schwarzenegger and most legislative Republicans insisted on a strict ceiling that would greatly constrain future spending; the proposed cap also gave the governor sweeping powers to reduce spending during the year, allowing the legislature to overturn any decisions by a two-thirds vote. Governor Schwarzenegger’s first weeks in office saw new policy proposals as well as a new political style, extending Schwarzenegger’s campaign techniques to governance. The repeal was facilitated by a promise from Governor Schwarzenegger to consider a compromise on a new bill that met security concerns, but the reversal confirmed the early momentum of the new administration and delivered on another campaign promise. Most significantly, Schwarzenegger called the legislature into special session to deal with California’s fiscal crisis. In the span of 12 short minutes, the new governor had acted swiftly—and had begun to deliver on his campaign promises.