The current conceptual representation (ccr) is inC's central storage device. Together with the concept storage, it constitutes inC's model knowledge. This chapter describes its functions in more detail. The ccr contains two specialized structures: the traverse buffer, which contains the event refOs that have been selected for verbalization but are not yet verbalized, and the traverse, which contains all the refOs that were sent to the formulator as part of an incremental preverbal message. The ccr is a shared memory that contains inC's knowledge of the current external state of affairs. Although this may also be called a blackboard, the author uses the term shared memory, because this emphasizes the fact that it models a part of human memory as an integrated representation used by all processes of inC's cascade. The traverse buffer was originally considered a part of the traverse. This is fine if event and object structures are more or less isomorphic, as in sketch generation events.