JOURNAL: We just had our first victim. It was bound to happen sooner or later, I guess. One of our senior guys. Just couldn’t go along with the program. It stuck out all over him. His body language was incandescently clear. This whole crusade was an amusing joke being put on for his personal entertainment. Never said a word in opposition, just managed to ignore the whole thing. When forced to acknowledge our new directions within his organization, he managed to do it in a way that ridiculed them at the same time. He was a very good functional performer. So was his organization. As a result he thought he was bulletproof. I spoke to him repeatedly about his attitude. All I got was a wide-eyed “Who, me?” Had his whole organization stopped cold in its tracks. I’m sure others were watching to see what I’d do. A litmus paper test of sorts for the “old man.” So I fired him! Did it myself. A leader has to do his own dirty work, clean up his own messes. Usually human resources gets to do the messy part. Not this time. Replaced him with a guy who isn’t his functional equal but believes in what we’re trying to do. Made sure we back-filled with the same kind of people down the line. Was pleased to find out that even the kid got a promotion out of it. Now that he’s in 128management himself it’s going to he interesting to watch. Seemed to take about thirty minutes for the word to circulate through the organization. Has made a difference already. Yes, folks. I really mean it. And I’m not just some harmless old goat with a new toy. Leaders need teeth too.