In this chapter, we summarise three pieces of research. The first two are classic studies which we have referred to repeatedly in earlier chapters of this book. The ‘International pilot study of schizophrenia’ (Sartorius et al. 1974) is for many a milestone in epidemiological research, which explores the reliability and validity of the schizophrenia diagnosis. Elkin et al.’s report (1985) compares different treatment programmes for depressive illness. We have included this study because it continues to attract widespread interest, and because it was one of the first large-scale studies to show that distinct treatments can each reduce the symptoms of depression. Our third research summary is, by comparison, a much more modest project: Sanderson et al.’s study (1989) shows how a ‘sense of being in control’ affects the experience of panic. We include it because it illustrates how cognitive factors can influence emotion. Progress exercise

138As you read these summaries, keep m mind the questions that the researchers tried to address and note how they attempted to control for the possible influences of extraneous variables. You will see that, despite their best efforts, each study can be criticised on methodological grounds. Can you think of any ways of improving these studies to overcome their shortcomings?