The Iraqi scene is strewn with remnants of destroyed parties; some disintegrated, others were overthrown by their opponents. The events in Baghdad represent political arabesques of the most tortuous variety. The International Directorate of the Baath Party, composed of four Syrians, two Jordanians, two Lebanese as well as four Iraqis, rushed from Damascus to Baghdad. The domestic quarrel within the Baathist group afforded the President of the Republic, Aref, who had been pushed into the background, the opportunity to intervene. Aref, who was decisively involved in the overthrow of Nuri Said and who, four and a half years later, also helped to get rid of Abdul Karim Kassem, posed as a supporter of Abdel Nasser. Aref and the military had the international directorate of the Baath party put under house arrest, but released them after a few days. A compromise was reached between the political leaders.