Algeria’s independence brought to a close a whole epoch of French history. The road which led from the beginning of the Algerian rebellion on November 1, 1954, to the Evian agreement of March 18, 1962, was a long and difficult one. France had to find the strength to face up to the reality of the military and diplomatic situation in the conflict with Algeria, and to draw the necessary conclusions. On September 16, 1959 General de Gaulle gave the first public hint that he acknowledged Algeria’s right to self-determination. The French delegation was led by Louis Joxe, the Algerian delegation by Belkacem Krim. On March 18th they signed the basic agreements which secured Algeria’s independence. According to the Treaty, the Republic of Algeria was to achieve full sovereignty after the plebiscite. Algeria’s future is based on close collaboration with France, from whom she receives massive financial and technical assistance.