The Marq: and yr humble hav servant have been of late two very crazy persons. I hope 1 that both our bodys are growing into better plight, and surely it will be time this spring to sit down some where or other with easy minds. I am extreamly oblig’d to you for yr concern for us both, my dear Girl, and you shall never fail of finding in me ye sincerest returns of affection. I wish with all my heart you could take a trip to yr Barony 2 once more. my project is to spend five or six weeks there this autumn with my hounds. as soon as I get back from ye little village where I am att present to Paris, I will know of Le Brun 3 whether he can prepare a Boars head so as to be sent securely to London, and if he can do it you shall have one. I regret very heartily my Lord Carleton. 4 he was a very valuable man, & I had a particular regard for him. let me desire you, my dear to give the inclos’d 5 to Mrs Gower. it is an answer to yt wch she did me ye favour to write me some time ago. I writ to my Lord a few days ago from this place, & shall do so again before I leave it. renew ye assurances of my duty to him, & of my respects to my Lady. I hope my Brother has recd mine. Adieu Dear Girl, I am ever most faithfully yours.