At the middle of March 1841 two huge carts rolled out of Cassel, carrying the Grimms’ many boxes of books and all their other belongings. The Friedrichsstadt, with its regal streets, ‘straight as a line’, built by Frederick the Great, gradually became more crowded, and Unter den Linden, Prussia’s broad lime-planted Via triumphalis was laid out. Castles were built and splendid houses for the aristocracy and members of the quickly rising professional and industrial classes. The city’s growth was accompanied by cultural developments. In 1810, through the initiative of Wilhelm von Humboldt, Berlin University had been founded, with lectures in the Prinz Heinrich Palais. Ludwig visited the university, took sightseeing drives through the city, and walks by the goldfish pond in the Tiergarten. Ludwig found that Berlin artists talked like ‘printed reviews’, believing that only they could hit the nail on the head.