The allies, in conjunction with the local CLN first appointed a socialist, Francesco Vaccaro, as mayor of Cosenza and on 6 November 1943 nominated Pietro Mancini as prefect for the province. Misasi was first elected to the city council and then, in 1958, to parliament despite the fact that his faction was in opposition within the Cosenza DC; he was supported by Nicoletti and by his father who was President of the Consorzio Agrario. By that stage Nicoletti no longer controlled the party in Cosenza and in common with the opposition in all parties or factions, took to moralising. The Opera Sila also had its headquarters in Cosenza and was used extensively in support first of the DC and later also the PSI. It was founded with two objectives; to provide a form of social control which would replace that of the latifundia and secondly, to allow the DC to break the ascendency of the monarchists.