Self-harming behaviours too are many, and apart from ingestion of prescribed or over-the-counter medication well therapeutic dose, cutting, ingestion of herbicides and pesticides, and more violent means such as hanging, drowning, gunshot, and other actions such as jumping from heights can be seen as means to commit suicide. Suicidal behaviour may be preplanned or impulsive or related to psychiatric disorders. The gender differences in different kinds of suicidal behaviour are worth bearing in mind. An individual’s race and ethnicity also contribute to his/her beliefs and responses to suicidal behaviour. Sex, age groups, and social economic status all interact with race and ethnicity and allow clinicians and researchers to develop strategies for assessment and intervention. Social factors like isolation, alienation, poor support, estrangement, unemployment, and alcohol have been associated with rates of suicidal behaviour. Suicide rates are highest in the upper and lowest social classes.