The working-through of maturescence can also be inferred through dreams; the latter offer the opportunity of detecting somatic processes that evince the magnitude of the psychic work generated by masculine and feminine climacterics-an unavoidable universal for all human beings. All dreams have at least two levels of interpretation: the dream as a wish fulfillment— the traditional interpretation of dreams—and the dream as the expression of the actual situation, with all its implications-where the wish is also fulfilled, although in this case special emphasis is placed on the somatic factor. As anticipated, the dream is a psychic process that allows an interpretation which will integrate the somatic processes, since these can be considered a level of expression present in all dreams and their interpretation. It is also important to point out that it was impossible to find references of the real butcher’s wife, despite efforts from scholars dedicated to identifying Freud’s patients; no one had any information regarding this patient.