This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book examines a captivating and pervasive atmosphere - 'smokefree'. It presents a view from outside of public health and offers up another, different way to think about smoking and the atmosphere of smokefree. The book dedicates much to bringing this backgrounded atmospheric to the fore in order to usher in one's own contribution to the anthropology of smoking, and of 'smokefree'. It examines the practice of smoking in a specifically Australian 'atmosphere' intended to discourage it, many of these Australian specificities apply to the experiences of other developed countries with similar socio-economic compositions, and a shared intention to usher in comprehensive smokefree laws. The book focuses throughout on the air itself, bringing it to the fore in one's analysis of the smokefree atmosphere in Australia, to reveal something new about how the atmosphere is shaped and sustained, and about smoking itself.