Sammy was seen five times over a period of ten years, and Norman six times over a period of seven years. There are two scripts of the next-to-last session with Sammy, the first one was an adaption of the well-known February Man case of Milton H. Erickson. Rather than Erickson’s becoming the “February Man” to teach a young pregnant woman how to cope with being a first-time mother, the session with Sammy involved being an older and wiser person who guided Sammy through difficulties in his relationship with his father. Before meeting the February Man Sammy was guided through a Gestalt Therapy two-chair exercise with his father (who had died a few years earlier). Since more was apparently needed, the last script in this chapter is one of guiding Sammy through a Narrative Therapy experience. Sometimes more than one approach is needed in a session. The last meeting with Sammy contains a script in which a psychotherapy adaption of guided imagery was used.