Based on literature research, field investigation, questionnaire, interview, and text analysis, this chapter concludes that the four Chinese children’ museums introduced in this book have exhibited some social impacts. First, children's museums can be a supplement to the traditional school education, making up for the deficiency or absence of traditional curriculum in the development of children's creativity and emotion. These individual education effects are eventually expected to be accumulated into the future social and economic competitiveness. Second, parents can participate in the learning process of their children in the children's museum, and learn some effective ways to communicate with children through the professional staff in the museum, which is a favorable place for them to explore family education. Third, most of the existing children's museums in China has set good examples in caring for children in difficulties such as the left-behind, special children, and children from low-income families. Fourth, children's museums can help children carry forward and inherit the traditional culture. Fifth, children's museums have delivered some positive impact on the local economy in terms of employment and tourism, and provide volunteer services and internship opportunities.