Behavioral Activation (BA) is an empirically validated treatment, like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. BA consists of recording self-data via charts, handouts, worksheet, or smartphone apps to track the relationship between target behaviors, activities, and other components that impact the completion of a goal. The development of a positive behavioral activation plan can help achieve a targeted goal, hopefully leading to improved mood and increased physical wellness. Developing a positive behavioral activation plan can help achieve a targeted goal, hopefully leading to improved mood, behavior, and communication patterns. The Breast Cancer Screening handout was inspired by the advocacy of a social work graduate student intern from the Los Angeles lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Center. The project was designed as a psychoeducational tool that engages stakeholders’ by utilizing art to support breast cancer education and screening in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) community. For the LGBTQI community, each person has experienced trauma that is deeply personal.