Even in a patient’s most miserable moments, sensitive care and good communication, based on trust and partnership, can improve the situation and change views that their life is worth living. This more practical section, summarises how professionals and carers help patients move from a lower place, sometimes with simple things, and some of the tools and means to assist them.

Person-centred care acknowledges the intrinsic value of each person as an autonomous and unique social individual. Ideally, patients preserve their self-determination regarding place of care and treatment options. Advance directives and advance care planning can help in this. When and how decisions are being communicated has a huge impact on people’s experience.

Towards the end of life, the focus moves from quality of life in what a person still wants to achieve, experience and do before they leave this world, to quality of care, where the focus is on helping patients and families live with loss on so many levels. Being present and willing to engage with creativity and honesty, palliative carers are companions on the journey. They walk alongside fellow human beings, frightened and bemused at the threshold of ultimate mystery.