Chapter 8 takes as its focus the ensemble practice of the Australian academic, teacher and researcher of landscape architecture, designer, visual thinker, socio-ecological critic, peripatetic philosopher, environmentalist and ranch owner, Gini Lee. In particular it circles around her concern with landscape curation. The chapter discusses Lee’s work in a variety of contexts, including her co-curation with her friend, Enice, an Adnyamathanha Elder, at Oratunga Station in the Flinders Ranges, and her participation in The Stony Rises Project, developed by the RMIT Design Research Institute, Melbourne. While focussing on her approach to landscape curation, the poetics of collecting while travelling and her concern with the supreme importance of water and its management, this chapter acknowledges a wider and prehistoric scale of time and place, informed by Aboriginal perspectives. Illustrated by her interest in the ways in which the indigenous Gunditjmara people managed wetlands, waterways and associated resources such as eels – the chapter also addresses the praxis of sited processes in moving and doing more generally, one that Lee’s work may be said to exemplify.