The activity of mining enterprises is very harmful to the natural environment, and the effects of operation are visible even up to several dozen years after the decommissioning of mining plants, therefore, their construction is often associated with protests of ecological organisations. The impact of these organisations on the sustainable behaviour of the extraction industry is described in Chapter 10. Bearing in mind the diversity of the adverse environmental impact of mining enterprises at various stages of their life cycle, the first section describes the environmental hazards arising in the phase of commissioning, operation and decommissioning of mining plants, including post-operational damage. A literature review and statistical data on pollution caused by coal mining enterprises operations were used for this purpose. In the second section, the authors refer to the impact of ecological organisations on sustainable development policy, considering the various effects of these organisations: starting with the suspension of the decision to start operation on passive acceptance of all threats in exchange for socio-economic benefits (case studies). In the third section, summarising the activities of ecological organisations for sustainable development, the principles of the coexistence of mining enterprises and ecological organisations are presented, including the key elements of negotiations regarding the fulfilment of mutual expectations.