In this chapter we discuss the emotional effects of providing support to women in labour and birth on the caregivers. From our own experiences and research, and from talking with other midwives, women, and their birth supporters, we understand that labour and birth are intense times of huge emotional upheaval and that this emotional turbulence inevitably affects those who are caring for women.

We begin by explaining theoretical perspectives about how emotions are experienced and managed in the workplace (known as emotion work or emotional labour), before focusing on the evidence relating to maternity care. We draw on evidence from midwives, which vividly demonstrates how supporting women through labour and birth can make us feel. We argue that it is vital for midwives across the world to pay attention to emotions, as they can affect the care that we provide to women and how they experience that care, our own wellbeing and motivation, as well as our working relationships and workplace culture. In the final part of the chapter, we explore some of the strategies and resources that can offer support and help us manage the emotional aspects of our work.