This chapter summarizes and deliberates on the major findings, the study agrees upon that many individuals have recognized cosmic space to be a marvel and draw mystical guidance from it. And this guidance has been pursued through Jyotish in India; which has not lost the fascination in the era of rapid technological advancement rather continues to thrive against the condemning intellectual authorities. Nonetheless, it is often described as incompetent and detestable pseudo-science sweepingly, but then book explored how certain critics surreptitiously practice it as per their convenience, especially during their dismal phase. Curry and Willis (2004) have disparaged scholars, who have ostensibly accepted Adorno's argument without any reconsideration that belief in astrology is an irrational display of authoritarian semi erudition. This has resulted to circumvention of any likely research towards its understanding. Previous chapters assessed distinct approaches to describe astrology in India (Jyotish) and its discourse through learning institutes, practitioners and believers to understand its underpinning as magic, science, and religion or knowledge system. System of Jyotish should be explored as a linguistic system as it takes a considerable venture of time and other material resources to become adequately proficient in the astrological jargon.