Here is a statement we all have heard too often: “Make a choice: either business or planet.” But do we really have a choice? Developmental psychologists over the past four decades have tended to address the either/or approach by connecting it with the personal developmental stages expressed in every person's worldview. This approach brought a whole new depth of insight into the either/or and both+and logic. As we develop, we go through stages with a progressively broader scope of caring, that is to say, from ego-centric to socio-centric to world-centric. They also describe increasing levels of inclusion of other people and of different inputs, which is a very important aspect in the development of a Sustainability Mindset. Do we accept that others are different, think differently, have differing needs and paradigms, or do we choose to neglect and ignore them as we make decisions? Stakeholder inclusion correlates with social sensitivity. This Principle invites us to intentionally aim at noticing the either/or logic and realizing its consequences and impacts; it also prompts us to consider the consequences and impacts of using both+and logic. In a simple way, the Principle can guide educators and students to expand their consciousness.