The causes and types of seizures, i.e. generalised seizures (absences, generalised tonic–clonic fits, myoclonic and atonic fits) and partial seizures (simple and complex) are all discussed. Normal and abnormal electroencephalogram printouts are presented and discussed. Factors promoting epilepsy are listed and described. The pathophysiology of epilepsy, especially tonic–clonic seizures, temporal lobe epilepsy, Jacksonian epilepsy and childhood infantile and febrile seizures, is explored. Childhood epileptic disorders (e.g. benign occipital epilepsy and Rolandic epilepsy) are discussed, including the genetics of these disorders. The categories of the antiepileptic drugs (e.g. sodium and calcium channel blockers and GABA promoters), pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, including side-effects, are described.