Exploring injunction for protection cases that exemplify the non-violent tactics of coercive control, this chapter illustrates the themes of humiliation and power and control. Within these themes, the subthemes of degradation and name calling emerge to help explain how coercive control strips the intimate partner violence (IPV) victim of their self-worth. An abuser who effectively invokes power and control can establish, within their victim, a sense of omnipresence, allowing the abuser to control their victim from afar. With power and control's subthemes, such as child abuse, deprivation of necessities, and household, clothes, and personal belongings destroyed, the abuser creates a cornucopia of non-violent tactics to invoke their power and control over the IPV victim. Subthemes such as violent acts toward family and friends as well as taking children from victim are explained through the voices of the IPV victims, as well as the subthemes of psychologically controlling and verbal abuse. As the subtheme of psychologically controlling is explained, the cycle of violence is demonstrated through the portrayal of the cases.