This chapter begins by discussing the initial aims of the research study and how it developed from Study One, the pilot study, to Study Two. A detailed protocol used for the art therapy clay work and body image intervention group and individual sessions discussed in this book is outlined here. Short biographies for each of the participants from study one and two are also listed here. The person-centred therapeutic approach used throughout the study and developed by Carl Rogers (2003 [1951]) is discussed, as are: the ethical approvals and considerations around clay safety; participant selection criteria and recruitment; researcher reflexivity, field notes, and the use of the reflective diary; recording and transcribing verbal data from sessions; photographing the sculptures; the clay work session timelines and processes, and the end of session questionnaire. This chapter concludes with the development of a new protocol for art therapy practice and future studies in the field, based on the experiences related by participants during the study and the study findings. The aims and objectives of the new protocol are listed, as well as potential outcomes.