Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs” has been hugely influential in the field of psychology and motivation. Maslow proposed that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some needs take precedence over others. Needs are also central in the practice of non-violent communication (NVC). NVC proposes that all behaviour stems from attempts to meet universal human needs. The aim of NVC is to observe our feelings, identify our needs or values and make skilful requests. Identifying needs and wants when working with people with mental health problems and/or suicidal thinking is important. However, there are problems with the “needs” agenda and psychological approaches have shifted their emphasis in the third wave “revolution” within psychological therapies. Zhang et al propose “individuals improve maintenance of long-term health behaviour change through committed acts in the service of chosen values, while acknowledging and accepting the existence of contrary thoughts, rules and emotions as part of themselves but not determinant of their behaviours”.