Rightist traits were once adaptive and now are less so. Leftist traits constitute the new adaptive norm of our species. The persistence of archaic behavior can be addressed by creating a socialist economy in which care is provided that diminishes the need for such adaptive archaic behavior as predation and hostile competition. Such an economy would require a universal currency, regulation of prices, wages, and incomes, limits on resource hoards, and such assurances as a basic income, healthcare, and free education. Implementing such an economy would require the creation of a civil service consisting of public servants guided by the best principles of the leftist adaptive norm—rationality, fairness, equality, benevolence, secularism, universality, and empathy. A first step would be the creation of a Global Governance Organization akin to the WTO. It would assure that all government worldwide is accountable and non-authoritarian. Ultimately, nations would need to disappear and be subsumed into a Global Government. Only such an organization would neutralize the kin-band animosities to which the nation form of social organization is prone.