This chapter presents the topic of Revolution through Democracy by focusing on Venezuela and Bolivia. It begins by describing political shifts toward democratic political systems and explains why the advent of democracy often did not result in significant economic changes to benefit disadvantaged population groups. The chapter also explains how the election of socialist Hugo Chávez to the presidency of Venezuela in 1998, who had support from sectors of the military, broke this pattern and also had international consequences. Opposition to Chávez’s policies are described as well as unsuccessful attempts to remove him from power. The chapter depicts opposition to Chávez’s ally Maduro who succeeded him in the presidency after Chávez’s death and charges that Maduro established an authoritarian regime. Multiple unsuccessful attempts to oust Maduro, including by assassination, were made. The chapter also discusses the election of socialist, Evo Morales, to the presidency of Bolivia, his actions and the opposition to his policies. The military overthrow of his government in 2019 is described as well as protests against the right-wing regime that temporarily took over the country. The Bolivian 2020 election that restored the socialist party to power is also presented.