Shooting skills enable a photographer to realize his inner thoughts and concepts and help transform the subject in front of him into a compelling visual statement. Noise is an aspect of digital image quality, which is inextricably connected to high ISO values. The Exposure Value control allows the user to deliberately override the exposure set by the camera in fixed increments called ‘exposure values’ or ‘stops’. The most data-efficient format to use is the compressed JPEG, usually available in three quality options: high, normal and low. Aperture values are usually accessed via a thumbwheel or menu on the rear of the camera body, but can only be selected when Manual or Aperture priority exposure modes are selected. Compositional skills are only gained through the experience of shooting different photographic situations under different circumstances. Shooting with black-and-white film has long been established as the all-time favourite with independent photographers, yet in the digital era, monochrome photography has even more potential.