This chapter engages a person in practical tasks and to encourage him to move beyond the pictorial shooting skills that come with competent camera operation. Many of the photographers discussed in the projects will not have used digital cameras to make their work, but the creative skills that they have employed are as relevant to digital photography as to analogue photography. Storytelling photographs are made when the photographer develops an in-depth understanding of a cultural environment. The photographs of Sebastiao Salgado are made by the photographer spending extensive time with a community. Salgado’s ethical drive is to bring to light the injustices of poverty, oppression and capitalism’s relentless drive for raw materials. Most commercial photographers post their best images online, so prospective clients can see their portfolios immediately. UK-based photographer Harry Borden has photographed many leading celebrities with a fresh, uncomplicated style. Citizen journalism empowered by the social media revolution has created the conditions for an alternative kind of photo-reportage.