This radio talk first aired on 14 January 1952 on As I See It, a BBC European Service programme. A couple of months later, on 10 March, it was recorded for rebroadcast on the Overseas Service. By the latter date this latest of Russell’s many ruminations about happiness (see H32) had already appeared in The Listener, 47 (31 Jan. 1952): 177–8 (B&R C52.02). Towards the end of the year his text was reprinted in the Christmas issue of the journal for BBC listeners overseas, London Calling, no. 685 (18 Dec. 1952): 14. Russell would later select the essay for inclusion in Portraits from Memory (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1956), pp. 198–202 (B&R A102). Among many other reprints are two in handbooks on writing English prose and another in a Japanese textbook for teaching English.