This chapter focuses on building a classroom environment conducive to creativity. It begins by describing three keys to creativity in the classroom: teach the skills and attitudes of creativity, teach creativity-supportive curriculum, and develop a creativity-friendly classroom environment. The chapter focuses primarily on the third key. It examines research on business environments in which creativity thrives and how the same principles may operate in classrooms. It next reviews important research on the affective and motivational components that impact creativity, including psychological safety, intrinsic motivation, creative self-beliefs including self-efficacy and flow. The next section describes how social-emotional learning can be used to support creativity, both through general social-emotional curriculum and through social-emotional learning specific to creativity. The final section of the chapter reviews classroom routines and structures that can be used to support a creative classroom atmosphere. These include teaching for independence, structures to support independence such as centers and contracts, arranging classroom spaces, classroom communication, and flexible grouping.