Education does try to train the child. And these days it is beginning quite early-right from ‘play schools’. Toilet habits, dietary practice, and the ability to remain outside the protective context of family, and mix with others-the instruction goes on. Again, it tries to strengthen the powers of the body and mind. A citizen cannot refuse to pay the taxes imposed on him merely because of his private use of reason, but he does not act against the duty of a citizen when as a scholar he publicly expresses his thoughts about the inappropriateness or even injustice of such decrees. In other words, it is a responsible act-not for one’s narrow private interest. And it leads to innovation, to new ideas. ‘One age’, wrote Kant, ‘cannot bind itself and conspire to put the following one into such a condition that it would be impossible for it to enlarge its cognitions, and to purify them of errors.’.