This chapter provides essential advice on our career path, photography tools, and mentors/teachers. The advice will help the students think about and clarify our academic and career goals. Learn to balance the insights and experiences that come from both “The One” and “The Many” (others). Nurture our own creative visions, but seek inspiration from a variety of sources. Learn the photography business, not just how to take pictures. The students need to understand file management, payroll, insurance, marketing, and accounting, even if the students hire office help and an accountant. The frame is a meaningful way to organize our thoughts and feelings of the world. And what the students choose to include in it suggests something beyond the frame. In a “good” photograph, the world as it is, becomes tolerable, maybe even uplifting. Fundamental to photographic seeing, making work with an understanding of how light itself transforms a subject, raises photography from the mundane to the visionary.