In this chapter, we describe common classroom practices that must be implemented by all teachers prior to the consideration of more intense small group or individualized interventions. The chapter includes basic classroom organization and management strategies that are the foundation for effective instruction. These foundational strategies, sometimes considered universal or high-leverage practices, are fundamental to effective teaching and increase the effectiveness of instruction; they happen frequently, have research support, increase student engagement, and can be used in any content area. Teacher consistency is essential for the success of adolescents with ADHD. When they walk into your class, they must know what is expected and what to expect. The chapter begins with the story of Ms. Campbell. As you will see, without universal practices, the students in her class are frequently off task and disruptive. In this chapter, we describe methods for four universal practices:

Consistent, organized, respectful learning environment

Strategies to promote active student engagement

Engaging academic instruction

Making data-based decisions