In the current chapter, we describe study skills, evidence-based strategies that are student mediated allowing students to independently and efficiently maintain knowledge learned, and study for tests and quizzes. Study skills are especially important in secondary schools, as students are expected to independently study for exams and have less assistance from adults as they transition from elementary to secondary schools. The chapter begins with the story of Josiah, a sixth-grade student with ADHD who is failing history and science because he does not study for exams. In the chapter, we describe:

five strategies to study: (1) flash cards, (2) mnemonic devices, (3) summarizing, (4) cover copy and compare, and (5) test-taking strategies;

three barriers to implementation (motivation to learn, student cooperation at home) and means of overcoming each;

considerations and suggestions for culturally responsive study skills (such as establishing and maintaining high expectations for all students, and including multicultural content);

programming for individual plans that include study skill strategies associated with CASEL standards, levels of academic achievement and behavior functioning, and an associated annual smart goal.