The use of digitally mediated texts, including those used in social media, has provided a platform for addressing social justice issues and bringing public attention to issues of equity and anti-discrimination. From the digital texts and multimodal literacies evident in the #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, #IrunwithAhmed movements to name a few, digital communication changes the ways we present, re-present, advocate, and share knowledge individually and internationally. This chapter offers an overview of research that has utilized multimodal literacies (including digital texts) and/or LGBTQIA+ Children’s Literature to provide mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors to facilitate the acceptance of and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ people. We then turn to how we specifically utilized multimodal writing practices along with picture books to act as a catalyst for operationalizing our student’s exploration of topics and issues relevant to the LGBTQIA+ community.