This chapter focuses on the ever-changing environment in which we live, and how this impacts world tourism cities. It highlights the opportunities brought by external factors and changes. The main recommendations from the previous 11 chapters are summarised first. After this, a brief review is made of studies and reports on the future of cities, tourism and tourism cities. Then, a PESTEL-RVS framework is employed to more specifically identify future opportunities within nine categories. This is an extension of the PESTEL-RV model used in Chapter 2, with the addition of stakeholders to residents and visitors.

Governments will be introducing many new policies and guidelines in cities in the next ten years to adapt and cope with several urban issues, including quality of life (QoL), climate change and sustainability, and to accommodate technological innovations. This chapter emphasises the need for cities to “plan from the inside out” by making them better places to live and visit.

A multidisciplinary approach is used in Chapter 12 to uncover the latest research and future projections across a variety of fields including artificial intelligence, computer science, engineering, geography, public administration, sociology, transportation, urban planning and landscape architecture and others. The need to blend multiple disciplines is stressed to realise future opportunities for urban tourism.