The hazards indigenous to a clandestine lab scene make it impractical for even the best-prepared investigator to waltz through the scene, take a few photographs, throw the relevant evidence into a paper bag and go back to the office. Making sense out of what is found is far more difficult. The seizure of a clandestine lab often goes beyond the scope of a traditional crime scene. The dynamics of hazardous materials involved must be taken into account, and the safety of the personnel processing the scene must be paramount. However, the process cannot lose sight of the goal of preserving the physical evidence that indicates the existence of a clandestine laboratory. This balancing act can be accomplished through the use of specialized teams with specific functions. The number of people involved can give the process a circus-like atmosphere; however, with a documented set of policies and procedures delineating the responsibilities of each of the teams in place, order can be derived from what appears to be total chaos.

This chapter begins with a discussion concerning the sequence of events that encompass the seizure of a clandestine lab, starting with the planning and culminating with the disposal of the associated hazardous materials. This will be followed by a more detailed discussion concerning the process associated with the collection and preservation of relevant evidentiary items.