This chapter brings together key factors identified in previous chapters which influence the decision of whether to engage in a naming rights sponsorship deal, from both the sponsor and rights holder perspectives. In doing so, the chapter poses a series of questions that potential sponsors and venue naming rights holders should ask when considering naming rights sponsorship. From the sponsor perspective, these questions address the suitability of naming rights sponsorship to achieve its desired objectives, as well as aspects of fit with a brand’s values and its overall marketing strategy. Questions for rights holders are concerned with aspects of due diligence, relationships with stakeholders and timing of deals. Throughout the chapter, the importance of engaging in comprehensive research by both parties ahead of any naming rights deal is reinforced. The chapter closes with a discussion of sponsorship renewal, exploring factors impacting the likelihood of a naming rights deal ending or being renewed. Therefore, this chapter offers a series of prompts for practitioners to guide their critical thinking in appraising the suitability of (any given) naming rights sponsorship.