The fourth case is the reform of government vehicle management (公車改革) in Shenzhen. The expenditure on government vehicles is a chief component of three public expenditures (三公消費), which have become increasingly extravagant and caused broad public criticism. Shenzhen was one of the first cities to embark on the reform of government vehicle management. The aim of this reform was to reduce the abuse of government vehicles to save public expenditure. To be more specific, the reform of vehicle management in Shenzhen set a clear goal of 10% savings in public expenditure by cutting down on the number of vehicles owned by government units. Government officials are encouraged to use public transportation and receive financial subsidies when they do so. Though it is a policy that has touched upon the interest of most officials, and some of them are unhappy with losing the power to use government vehicles as they like, this innovation is successful. It has been carried out under the legal framework, obtained the support of higher authorities, and become widely accepted by the public.