The US health care system is a microcosm of the American society. Many things that afflict American society also afflict the US health care system and vice versa. The US political system has become polarized and corrupt. The situation is made worse by the amount of money interest groups plow into the system to capture health policy. Crony capitalism needs to be the part of the discussion and overcoming its perverse effects a remedy to truly fixing the system. Businesses and interest groups have come to realize that the US political system is not functioning well and they are partly to be blamed for its dysfunction. Further, they understand that they need to step up and do something about it. The Supreme Court’s United decision has unleashed dark money into US politics and made political system worse. It must be repealed. Its destructive influence could be neutralized to some extent by the small donor revolution. Politics by principle, rather than interest, is one plausible solution in which entrepreneurs are empowered not to want to become rent seekers and state actors are constrained from selling rents. The other solution is the constant influx of creative individuals in a democratic capitalistic society who demand adequate conditions to advance their productive efforts.