This chapter examines the potential of intergenerational community work strategies. There are several models which describe 'successful' ageing in terms of the way older people manage their experiences of ageing, and the adjustments they make to maintain their sense of self. Positive ageing, as noted by the Older Women's Network, involves strong self-esteem—feeling good about being an older person. In Australia, there are many examples of active older people, and this activity does not always mean physical activity; it can also include mental activity and political activity. A range of organisations and programs have evolved to meet the needs of the older population, as well as being a strategy to promote healthy ageing. The 1999 film The Buena Vista Social Club was a very positive portrayal of how a group of formerly famous older Cuban musicians and singers were reclaimed and reaffirmed by the intervention of an outsider, the American musician Ry Cooder.