It is environmentalists, in what is broadly termed 'the green movement', who propagate this scientific evidence within the public sphere and seek solutions to these ecological problems through changes in human behaviour and especially in the way our society is organised-economically and politically. The green movement has been built around a series of campaigns. Although ecological degradation is a constant process, and environmentalists work assiduously in unspectacular ways to contest this day-by-day process, the green movement's public profile is maintained as it reacts to more or less immediate and spectacular threats. Some of the more important campaigns that have built the green movement over the past few decades are discussed. The selection of campaigns therefore includes a wide range of confrontations in order to suggest that the green movement is broader than common perceptions concede. Certainly, it is true that the Australian green movement could be termed 'environmentalism without doctrines' and that most intra-green bickering centres on tactics.