The neo-Adlerians aim to increase students’ sense of belonging and consequent appropriate behaviour by establishing democratic relationships within the classroom that are based on mutual respect, cooperation and encouragement. The neo-Adlerian preventive approaches are based on democratic relationships in schools— that is, on the belief in the equal worth and dignity of all human beings. As with cognitive theory neo-Adlerian theory rejects the determinism of applied behaviour analysis, contending that individuals do more than merely respond to stimuli in predetermined ways: they actively assign meaning to events and make choices to meet their needs for significance, security and self-esteem. The neo-Adlerians believe that all behaviour is goal-directed and purposive, that it is aimed at satisfying individuals’ goals.Neo-Adlerian discipline is intended to create the order that is necessary for learning to occur, to guide students to exercise self-discipline and to promote cooperation within the group.