Fixed oils are lipids, classified as primary metabolites, and therefore essential for life. The more double bonds a lipid contains, the greater the fluidity. Conversely the saturated fatty acids without double bonds tend to be solid. Plants and animals from cold regions contain high levels of polyunsaturated acids whereas those from tropical regions contain more saturated fatty acids. Amides are compounds derived from carboxylic acids and amines, involving elimination of water. Amide functional groups are quite resistant to hydrolysis, and amide linkages between amino acids and peptides are essential to the stability of proteins. Topical applications of medications containing capsaicinoids deplete the neuropeptides, therefore preventing transmission of pain signals to the brain. Hence the successful use of capsicum-based preparations for treatment of neuralgias, diabetic neuropathy and joint inflammation. The most significant actions of alkamides are analgesic, antiinflammatory, counter-irritant, sialagogue, vermifuge, digestive and circulatory stimulation.