The main difference between an Landscape and Visual Appraisal (LVA) and LVIA is that an LVA will generally have less detail and does not need to determine the 'significance' of the effects identified. Other associated types of assessment include Townscape and Visual Impact Assessment and Seascape, Landscape, and Visual Impact Assessment. LVIA forms part of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation requirements of the European Commission EIA Directive 2014/52/EU on 'the assessment of the effects of certain private and public projects on the environment'. Consultation with statutory bodies (such as NatureScot, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, and Northern Ireland Environment Agency), local authority landscape officers, other stakeholders, and the public is an integral part of the EIA and LVIA process. The design of the development should be informed by the LVIA throughout the EIA process. Cumulative landscape and visual assessment is also required by EIA legislation.