The Mediterranean Sea remains for many a mirage of life, but also an agent of death. Over the decades, it has carried large migratory flows, but at the same time has swallowed in its depths thousands of lives, those who will never reach the other shore. It is impossible to ignore this urgent phenomenon that involves not only Europe, but the entire globe. This chapter opens the discussion with excerpts from journalist Annalisa Camilli’s book La legge del mare, in which she denounces a strong discrepancy between factual reality, as told by witnesses, and what is presented by political parties and reported by the media. The author intends to re-establish the true role of the journalist: that is, a witness and audience for the stories of others – in this case immigrants – in order to report them as they have been told. Once again, language is analyzed with the intention of restoring substance to the words “dignity” and “truthfulness.”